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Why do honeys crystallize?

Unfortunately, the crystallization of honey does not have a good reputation. Think again, just because honey crystallizes doesn't mean it's low quality! On the contrary. We answer all your questions about crystallization....

How do bees make honey?

Foraging bees collect nectar and honeydew from honey plants by adding their enzyme-laden saliva, which converts sucrose. Back in the hive, they distribute their harvest to other workers by trophallaxis,...

Winter bees

Winter bees have special qualities and an exceptional lifespan.

Organic honey versus non-organic honey

What is organic honey? Certification criteria Organic honey is distinguished by a method of production and beekeeping conditions that comply with the specifications of organic farming.

All about the benefits of thyme honey

Thyme honey is a honey with many properties for our health. It has particular virtues for healing, benefits for our skin. It can also be used during sore throats, to...

How to choose your Manuka honey

Where does Manuka Honey come from? Manuka honey comes from the primary forests of New Zealand. It has been used in traditional Maori medicine for centuries. "Manuka" is actually a...

What is honeydew?

Honeydew is an excreta, a substance produced from the sap of plants by sucking insects. It is the result of the interaction between the plant, the excretory insect and the...

Idées de recettes d'hiver au miel

Voici quelques idées de recettes d'hiver à base de miel.  Le grog au miel et au citron   Cette boisson chaude ancestrale viendra vous réchauffer et vous décongestionner. Elle est excellente...


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